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Avanti Pizza Stone 33cm with Rack & Pizza Cutter


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The Avanti pizza baking stone gives your baking that professional touch. The sturdy ceramic disc absorbs excess moisture and distributes heat evenly

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The Avanti pizza baking stone gives your baking that professional touch. The sturdy ceramic disc absorbs excess moisture and distributes heat evenly just like an authentic brick pizza oven. Use it to bake crusty bread, crunchy cookies, crispy pizzas and tortillas. You’ll be delighted with the results. Need to reheat last nights pizza? The baking stone is excellent for re-heating pre-baked items such as pizzas, frozen pasties and pies.

Use and care instructions:
The baking stone is safe to use in conventional and microwave ovens. It can be stored in the freezer, however, avoid extremes of temperature which may crack the ceramic disc. Never put a hot baking stone into cold water or in the freezer and never place it over a naked flame.
To clean, scrape off baked-on food residue with a spatula, then lightly scrub the cooking surface with a soft brush and rinse with warm water. Cleaning in a dishwasher or with detergent is not recommended as it can impart a soapy after taste to the food. Allow the baking stone to dry completely before using it again.


  • 33cm Pizza Stone with rack
  • Pizza Cutter


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