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Decor Tellfresh® Oblong Storer 3.25L


22 in stock

Gift Wrap Design

Standard ($4.00)

Useful for long vegetables such as spring onions, celery, carrots and rhubarb.

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Handy shapes and sizes for the pantry, fridge or freezer. The long storers are especially useful for long vegetables such as spring onions, celery, carrots and rhubarb.

All are clearly marked with graduated measurements and take Tellfresh® tags. They nest inside each other to save space in your cupboards and stack on top of each other for convenient storage.
When freezing liquid fill up to the top graduation. After freezing storer let it rest for a few minutes before removing lid. Loosen lid whilst reheating in microwave.

Size: 269 x 140 x 124mm

decor tellfresh icons

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