The Kilner Set of 2 1 Litre Fermentation Jars provides an easy way to create smaller batches of your delicious fermented foods packed with vitamins, minerals and probiotic cultures.
Introducing a silicone valve in a 1 Litre Preserve Jar lid will release the gas that builds up inside the jar during the fermentation process. However, the atmospheric air will not enter the jar, usually causing food to go mouldy.
Perfect for creating live cultures of sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and much more. Creating your own fermented foods is straightforward; just add your favourite vegetables, water and salt.
- Dimensions: Height 204mm | Length 240mm | Width 102mm
- Material: Glass

The original Kilner® Jar, invented by John Kilner and Co. in England, is as much loved and successful now as it was over 180 years ago.
Our diverse product range provides simple solutions for preserving, food preparation, storage and eating on the go using high-quality materials, all authenticated with the iconic Kilner® brand logo.