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Olsson’s Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin Salt 250g


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Grey salt blended with spent Four Pillars Gin Botanicals resulting in the world’s most delicious gin salt.

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A collaboration with Australia’s oldest family-owned sea salt maker, Olsson’s Salt, and Four Pillars Gin.

Dried and crushed spent Rare Dry Gin botanicals combined with natural grey salt to create the world’s most delicious gin salt.
Use it in a rub or as a seasoning for some BBQ or roast meat (or vegetables) with a perfectly made G&T on the side. This blend with nine botanicals makes for a stunning salt perfect for seasoning a roast chicken or pork loin, roasted vegetables (especially spuds), or sprinkled on stir-fried greens, curing fish like salmon or kingfish and makes an amazing salted caramel to pour over vanilla ice cream.


  • Gluten Free
  • 250g
  • Made in Australia

Don’t Salt More, Salt Better

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