Check the seasoning of soups and sauces, taste a bit of fried food and finely plate with the same tool and add garnish?
All this can be done with the tasting spoon FinalTouch. The 17 cm long professional tool combines a spoon and tweezers in one utensil and is so compact that it permanently finds space in the sleeve pocket of every cooking jacket. The finely ribbed tip of the tweezers ensures a secure hold.
In 2020, the practical helper and winner of the Solutions 2020 Award will appear in a new, black avatar. This is made possible by an innovative and food-safe anodized coating.
Triangle products are designed to speed-up and enhance food preparation and are indispensable aids to peeling, cutting, garnishing and decorating all manner of food dishes. Designed for the professional chef but equally appreciated by home chefs. All Triangle products are still made exclusively at the factory located in Solingen Germany.

- Spoon and tweezers in one
- Winner of the Solutions 2020 Award
- Original in stainless steel or in the Black Edition
- Can be stored in the sleeve pocket of every chef’s jacket
- Stainless steel
- Dishwasher safe
- Made in Solingen/Germany