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Victorinox Standard Filleting Knife Black 16cm

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Lightweight, dishwasher-safe pieces that are 100% Swiss-made and feature coloured handles with good strength, rigidity & hardness. Extra sharp blade

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Transform that beautiful rainbow trout, meaty swordfish or succulent salmon into perfect fillets, fast.

The blade of our Swiss Standard Knife is renowned for its agile filleting skills in pro kitchens worldwide. Super easy to handle, it makes light work of myriad fish varieties and slots into your home kitchen seamlessly. Expertly constructed with a sharp blade, its infallible cutting power is second to none.

Victorinox’s wide range of paring and household knives make the standard line so diverse. These are lightweight, dishwasher-safe pieces that are 100% Swiss-made and feature coloured handles. The Polypropylene handles exhibit good strength, rigidity & hardness. It is suitable for sterilisation and can be used at temperatures of up to 80-100°C


  • Extra sharp
  • Fillets fish with ease and precision
  • Black polypropylene handle
  • 100% Swiss-made
  • Dishwasher Safe


Chances are, if you open your kitchen drawers, you’ll find a little Victorinox knife somewhere. Most likely, it’s one of your favourites too. And that’s for a good reason: Victorinox knives are probably the most well-known knife brand worldwide. Made in Ibach-Schwyz and Delemont in Switzerland, their range of household and professional kitchen tools (not to forget their famous Swiss Army Knives) all started over 135 years ago, in 1884. All Victorinox steel blades are made from 100% recycled, martensitic stainless steel. This steel provides optimum function & durability and delivers the perfect combination of cutting-edge retention and corrosion protection. The blades should also be flexible so it does not break during use.



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